Our produce

Sea Source is a membership organisation owned by Northern Ireland fishermen, who have been catching, landing and selling world class seafood since 1853.

We operate from two processing plants at Kilkeel Harbour and a retail Seafood Shop on Newcastle Street, Kilkeel. We are always trying our best to give as much back to the fishermen as possible and to help them build a sustainable fishing industry that will last for generations to come.

Please view/ download our White Fish and Shellfish product brochure below.

For further information or enquires please contact the respective departments below:

Brendan (Auctioneer): +44 78093 87048

Steven (Factory Manager): +44 77100 88978

Fergus (Processing): +44 77365 53822

T: +44 (0) 28 4176 2591 | E: office@seasource.com